
Friday, May 1, 2015

2018 HG: HELP: The Second Lifer's guide to Hypergrid. Summary

The Second Lifer's guide to Hypergrid.  Summary
Updated 5/29/2018
If you are familiar with Second Life, most things in the Opensim and the Hypergrid will be familiar to you.  There are some differences, though, and you will need to understand them to  avoid confusion when you use Hypergrid.
  • What is the Hypergrid?
  • What is a grid?
  • How is HG different from Second Life?
  • What advantages does HG offer over individual grids?
  • What viewer do you use on the HG?
  • How do you get onto the HG?
  • How do you find places on the HG?
  • How do you travel on the HG?
  • Can you carry things with you when you travel the HG?
  • How do you find freebies on the HG?
  • Is there something like Linden money on the HG?
  • How do you buy things on the HG?
  • How do you find people on the HG? 
  • How do you get land on HG?
  • How do you communicate on HG?

What is the Hypergrid?

  • The Opensim world has lots of grids. 
  • Each grid is an independent internet site 
  • Hypergrid is a way you can TP from one grid to another, 
  • without having to register and login to each grid.
  • Hypergrid: Summary

What is a grid?

  • The virtual lands of the Opensim community, a beginner's guide
  • You know a grid as a place you log into a virtual world.  
  • It runs software to create a virtual world for you.
  • It runs a database to store your assets and serve them when you need them.
  • It handles your virtual world identity, a grid map, and a database for searching.
  • A grid may also provide a virtual currency.
  • SL is a grid and does all of these things.

How is HG different from Second Life?

  • SL is a single grid.  
  • HG is a collection of grids connected by a standard transfer procedure.
  • HG allows transfer of an avatar and some possessions from one grid to another.  
  • The grids in the HG universe are all running "sort of " the same software.
  • They may have different versions, different settings, different hardware.
  • And they will not have your inventory.  
  • While travelling the HG, you will only have what you put in your suitcase.  
  • And anything you get will go into your suitcase.  
  • The virtual lands of the Opensim community, a beginner's guide

What advantages does HG offer over individual grids?

  • More people.  Maybe more people you know from SL.
  • More places to explore.
  • More events to enjoy
  • Bigger market to buy from or sell into.
  • All without registering for another grid

What viewer do you use on the HG?

  • Firestorm is the viewer most widely used on HG.
  • Firestorm by far most popular on hypergrid.
  • Be sure to get the version marked For SL & Opensim
  • The version for SL alone is not going to work for you.
  • (Neither will the SL viewer.)
  • You can try the 64 bit version if you are using a 64 bit machine.  

How do you get onto the HG?

How do you find places on the HG?

How do you travel on the HG?

Can you carry things with you when you travel the HG?

      How do you find freebies on the HG?

      Is there something like Linden money on the HG?

      • Some grids have an internal money, but use is limited to that grid.
      • Such money is probably not convertible to "real money."
      • Paypal is often used as a source of "real money" for buying things. 
      • Paypal may be becoming the main currency of the Hypergrid

      How do you buy things on the HG?

      How do you find people on the HG? 

      How do you get land on HG?

      How do you communicate on HG?

      • You can send IMs  and notecards to friends on other grids. 
      • Don't assume they will get there.  
      • I usually go to the home grid of the other person to send these.
      • An IM conversation, once started, survived across grid travel. 
      • I find Google+ communities more useful. 
      • Communities of the virtual worlds on Google+

      1 comment:

      1. Excellent list, with some stuff I didn't know. Thank you!


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