
Saturday, March 15, 2014

2014 EVENTS: ART: The Deezuls’ Artist Program Gallery Reception for Ohsoleomio Sunday, Mar.16th, 1:00 p.m. SLT

The Deezuls’ Artist Program:
Gallery Reception for Ohsoleomio
Sunday, Mar.16th, 1:00 p.m. SLT

Orion and Lisa Deezul, creators of the innovative brands Crazy Mad, Easy Rock Music, Jupiter, Swerve and Greedy Bunny announce a special gallery reception featuring Deezuls’ latest artist, Ohsoleomio .  Join us Sunday, March 16th at 1:00 p.m. SLT, for a special viewing of Ohsoleomio’s collection of beautiful abstract paintings in the atrium at Deezuls.
Ohsoleomio's work is a mix of bright, bold opaque strokes full of energy and soft, quiet, watery translucent hues.  “My work is mostly intuitive and when I paint, I get lost in the layers of the journey, most times not knowing the destination.  I love the excitement of the unexpected, and to the contrary, I love the comfort and security of the expected as well, hence, the diversity in my pieces”, Ohsoleomio explains.  For this exhibit, some of Ohsoleomio’s favorite pieces are displayed.
Ohsoleomio is the fourth featured artist in the Deezuls’ Artist Program founded by Orion and Lisa Deezul.  Orion and Lisa love to collaborate with creative individuals and spend a lot of time exploring the many art galleries across the grid.  They fell in love with Ohsoleomio’s work and own several pieces that are proudly displayed in their home.  There will be wonderful gift bags for all those in attendance at the event.
Orion and Lisa founded the Deezuls’ Artist Program in order to help artists gain more attention for their work in Second Life.  The Deezuls’ Artist Program solicits original artists in Second Life to apply for gallery space free of charge so that their work can be exhibited and sold. 
Once selected, artists in the program are provided with space and are able to sell their work with 100% of the profits going directly to the artist.  “We really just have a love of art and we enjoy highlighting and showcasing the many great artists in Second Life.  We wanted to be able to provide a platform for these great artists to be able to exhibit their work for everyone to enjoy”, explains Orion Deezul.  
Deezuls is anchored by the Crazy Mad and Jupiter brands carrying mesh clothing for men and women.  Easy Rock Guitars & Music flagship store and Swerve scooters can also be found at Deezuls.  
If you are an artist or know of an artist that would like to apply to be part of the Deezuls’ Artist Program then simply apply by contacting Orion Deezul or Lisa Deezul in Second Life or sending an email to  
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