
Wednesday, January 15, 2014

2014 STAGE: VIDEO: Learned Ladies, Act 1--Moliere. Presented by Avatar Repertory Theater at Art Plays Around

Learned Ladies, Act 1--Moliere.  
Presented by Avatar Repertory Theater 
at Art Plays Around

Watch on YouTube
"The Learned Ladies" by Moliere
MadameThespian Underhill directs and acts with Corwyn Allen, Em Jannings, Kayden Oconnell, Rowan Shamroy, Caledonia Skytower, Sodovan Torok and AvaJean Westland.  
Art Plays Around is a project of New Media ARTS, Inc.

The entire play will be presented by ART in several segments, all at ART Plays Around.  

For announcements about Avatar Repertory Theater (ART) and ART Plays Around, join  this Google+ Community: 
Avatar Repertory Theater is a project of New Media Arts, Inc., a nonprofit organization tax exempt under IRC 501(c)(3).  Donations may be tax deductible depending on your tax jurisdiction and circumstances.
Video-Machinima in virtual worlds
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    • Thinkerer Melville/Selby Evans

    1 comment:

    1. Keep in mind that what we do on Friday nights at our semi-casual "A.R.T. Plays Around" show is put together scenes or sometimes short plays in a matter of a couple of hours. Whoever has signed up to be the "producer/director" for the evening finds a script, assigns roles (from whoever is available in the company that night) and runs the actors through the reading once or twice before we do it in front of the audience. Sometimes we have a bit of time to throw together a set like this one, add a little blocking and animations in for the avatars...but mostly this is fly-by-the-seat-of-our-pants acting! The actors have to put together their own costumes and avatar "looks" for this as well. On the other side of what we do is our full length productions-- which we have done in the past, and take close to a year to put together -- with regular rehearsals, detailed set building, avatar and costume construction and music/sound effects track recording.


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