
Sunday, December 1, 2013

2013 VIDEO: ART: The Drax Files: Episode 12: Ole Etzel

The Drax Files: Episode 12: Ole Etzel
Ole is confident that over time people will understand that Machinima is in fact a unique and intricate art-form only limited by the artist's imagination and the customizability of the game engine that serves as the virtual Hollywood studio. Democratizing short-film one Mr. Bones episode at a time:
Watch on YouTube
"The screen is my canvas on which I paint in a digital way" says Machinima maker Ole Etzel. 
The young family man from Hamburg, Germany is not bothered that most of his friends think the term "Machinima" describes a poor man's attempt at imitating Pixar or equate it with hour-long Call-Of-Duty gameplay uploaded in unedited form onto YouTube.
Ole is confident that over time people will understand that Machinima is in fact a unique and intricate art-form only limited by the artist's imagination and the customizability of the game engine that serves as the virtual Hollywood studio. 
Democratizing short-film one Mr. Bones episode at a time: Ole is a man of the longview and Second Life is his world of choice!
Web site
Video-Machinima in virtual worlds

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