
Friday, September 7, 2012

2013 Music: Video: Genero wants music videos, but not from Second Life--yet?

Genero wants music videos, 
but not from Second Life--yet?
Genero sent me an email:
With 7 open projects on Genero, and almost $70,000 in payments to filmmakers on offer, it is a great time to consider if any of your previous Genero videos (or existing footage from other projects) would be suitable! 
I posted about a previous email they sent me.  
Contest, $5,000: Music Videos: Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros
The famous Second Life maker of music videos,  jjccc Coronet*, commented on that post with what looks to be a quote from correspondence written by someone at Genero:
It's our view that Second Life videos aren't generally suitable or up to the standard to become an official music video. We don't rule them out completely and do publish some...-We feel that they aren't in line with what artists and labels are looking for, unless they are very creatively done and in consideration of the song
*Examples of work by jjccc Coronet
Genero projects
If you aren't intimidated by Genero's attitude, here is their offer on projects:
Make official music videos for global artists & record labels, and work with agencies and brands on a wide variety of exciting video projects. We're always working to bring you great video projects and present you with amazing opportunities.   

A few questions?
Why would Genero invite video-makers to re-purpose existing video footage for use as a musical video.   Probably because they aren't getting the number of submissions they want.  
What does it cost to make a musical video with real performers?  My guess is that it would cost more than the $5000 prize Genero was offering in the contest I cited in the previous post.   
Suppose you paid out several thousand dollars to compete for a $5000 prize and did not win.  Would you do it again?  My guess is no.  But you might be willing to re-purpose existing footage.  That submission would not cost much.   
Suppose you made a music video in Second Life (at little or no cost but your time)    to compete for a $5000 prize and did not win.  Would you do it again?  My guess is probably, if you liked making videos.  
Is a re-purposed video made with real performers better than a custom-made video from a virtual world?  That is partly a matter of taste. But partly a matter of how effective is the customization.  The customized video could be designed to sell the song.  And maybe to promote the band.  
Comment.   I understand why Genero might not like this new-fangled computer graphics stuff.  I understand why Genero might prefer high-quality sound stage productions with live dancers.  I don't understand why Genero thinks it can get such productions at $5000 a pop.   Genero wants sirloin on a hamburger budget.  
Genero's business model on this seems to be: 
  • Generate a lot of free content in music videos
  • Stimulate targeted content with low-cost contests
  • Monetize the resulting traffic 
  • Maybe sell selected music videos to the bands 
  • Undercut the cost of professional music video producers
All well and good, but if you want low cost production you need to work with low cost production methods.  And virtual worlds are probably near the bottom in cost.  


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  • This blog is not affiliated with Second Life or anything else.  
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