
Friday, June 1, 2012

2014 HOBBIES: THERAPY: Hobo Amusement Park--and why

 Hobo Amusement Park--and why
This build is now closed because the owner/builder no longer needs it.  She built it while recovering from the loss of her husband.  She has now happily remarried and now spends her time with her new husband.  I leave this article here because of the interesting build  and the touching back-story.
Tour vehicles
Lots of them
Click image to enlarge
Tour Train
 Click image to enlarge
Background note ...Judy Muircastle  
When I first came on  SL  in 2008 I was confused as to what to do here .... I was advised to come to SL by my RL brother. -  
My RL husband had passed away at an early age and my brother said it would be a good way to keep my mind off things. 
He was very very right.  I was exploring and ran into a place called Dino amusement park and thought wow this is something !! My husband loved amusement parks !! I found that I could buy land here and make things on it and I knew right away what I wanted to do. - 
I bought a parcel and started "Bills amusment park" late in 2008... My husbands name was Bill and I wanted the park to be dedicated to him. - 
So that was the start of Hobo Amusement park.  I have spent 4 years on SL learning to build script, sculpt, make textures and animations, I wanted this park to be a monument to his memory.- 
I opened Hobo Amusement park about a year ago. I called It Hobo Amusement park because Bill felt so sorry for the homless and was always making donations trying to help. He always said "It's just not right for people to be Homeless" and I know he would have loved that name !! We used to go to parks together all the time. - 
So thats what Hobo Amusement park is all about.... a result of 4 years of study and work....for a very special man who passed way before his time.  
-Judy Muircastle 
I ran into my artist friend, claudia222.jewell
It's a small world.  You run into friends everywhere.
Log Flume

Da Vinci Copter
Ready for a tour
Click image to enlarge
Space station 
Bumper saucers
Thinkerer at the controls
 Haunted House
Tunnel of Love
Another tour 
Video-Machinima in virtual worlds
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