
Monday, January 9, 2012

2013 TKR: Resolutions and How To Break Them(2)

Resolutions and How To Break Them (2)
Scene: The Head Room (imaginary room in the head). Decorated as for a New Year’s party. At center stage: 

  • Un, 
  • Vulcan, 
  • Engineer, 
  • Explorer
  • Empath
  • Hunter
  • Whys Guy
  • Canter
  • Networker
  • Shudoff
  • Storyboarder
At center stage: the Un, the Vulcan, the Engineer, and the Hunter. The Un and the Storyboarder wear festive hats. 
The Head Room. Decorated as for a New Year’s party. At center stage: the Un, the Vulcan, the Engineer, and the Hunter. The Un and the Storyboarder wear festive hats.
Hunter: An amusing diversion. But our target was resolutions.
Vulcan: Not a diversion. The method of models. Apply the model to resolutions.
Engineer: You get your Engineer to do the planning before the mouth does the talking.
Canter: The Engineer can’t make plans before the person tries to keep the resolution. The Engineer doesn’t know what problems the person will run into.
Un: Unless the person has tried to keep the resolution before. Perhaps the real purpose of breaking a resolution is to find out what is needed to keep it.

Engineer: Any plan that doesn't work is a trial run.
Vulcan: The Uns move in their mysterious ways.
Empath: This particular way can be hard on self-confidence.
Explorer: There are easier ways. You can watch others.
Empath: Feel their defeat.
Engineer: Understand what did not work.
Canter: You can’t pay a lot of attention to other people’s defeats. They won’t like it.
Empath: You can sympathize. Acknowledge your own limitations.
Un: Keep your self-confidence to yourself.
Networker: Learn from the mistakes of others. You don't have time to make them all yourself.
Un: Or you can make an un-resolution.
Networker: Like an un-birthday.
Vulcan: Or a decision that is unresolved.
Explorer: A trial run. Start keeping a resolution before you make it. Find out what problems turn up.
Canter: You can’t make a resolution to do something you are already doing.
Vulcan: There is a logical distinction between exploring and deciding.
Engineer: Self-discipline is an illusion produced by engineering the job.
Explorer: If you are exploring a resolution, you are just finding out how it feels. If you don’t like the feel, you can change it.
Shudoff: You don’t have to feel guilty.
Un: When you buy shoes, you try them on first. When you buy a car, you test-drive several of them. You could take the resolution for a test drive.
Whys Guy: So why decide? Why not just keep exploring?
Vulcan: You do not escape decisions by exploring. You will have to decide whether to keep exploring or not.
Engineer: Exploring is one kind of job. You have to know what to look for and when to look. Carrying out a decision is a different job. You have to plan. You have to set up reminders. If you are going to quit something, you may need an instead. Engineers want a decision before we go to all that trouble.
Vulcan: A resolution is simply a continuing policy. You don’t have to re-decide every time the matter comes up. If you decide not to eat desserts, you make the decision once. Then you ignore the issue unless you decide to reconsider your policy.
Hunter: If you decide to keep a resolution, you can get us into the act. But we do not hunt in those woods unless you are serious.
Networker: If people start keeping resolutions, comics will have to find new lines for New Year’s monologues.
Un: We do not weep for the comics. They will find other ways to turn things turn things bass ackwards.

Resolutions and How To Break Them

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Thinkerer Melville/Selby Evans

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