
Sunday, May 1, 2011

2013 EDU: UT Arlington Creates Virtual Alamo in Second Life

UT Arlington Creates Virtual Alamo in Second Life, 
That news prompted me to go over to the UTA virtual campus and take a look.  It is well worth visiting. Here   are a couple of reports about it:
The Grand Opening of the exhibit will be on Tuesday, May 3, 2011 from 2:30-4:30 PM SLT at this location:
Location Link. Click to go or drag to the viewer screen:

School of Nursing

While I was there, I took a stroll around the campus for the School of Nursing.  They are offering continuing education credits, I noted.  The right move. I would say.   Here is Texas, lots of nurses have jobs the put them a long way from nowhere.  It is a long drive to the nearest education facility that could offer continuing education in a physical place.
Here is an instructional video I found on display there:
Education: Second Life Nursing Simulation
Virtual reality comes right to your office.  Or to your house.  And a nurse is already a professional, with professional learning skills and ongoing professional experience to integrate with the continuing education.
Smart hospitals are the kind of thing that make you need continuing education.
So drop by the UT Arlington campus in Second Life and take a look at what this School of Nursing is doing. This demo will continue education for lots of people.  And not just for nurses.

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1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the news about virtual Alamo, it sounds like a must-see, I will visit it.


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