
Saturday, May 14, 2011

2013 EDU: Abbottabad in SL

Abbottabad in SL
Abbottabad in SL
Abbottabad in SL
By Avatrian
The team put its rapid-development capabilities into action and whipped out a 3D visual replica of the Abbottabad compound in Second Life. It is built to the proper scale and orientation of the RL compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan. Although it is still an on-going work, the space is pretty convincing for only five days of development.

This team knows how to work outworld promotions.  They need to work up some connections with news organizations.  But this job will probably help them.  
Imagine a news anchor walking us through a virtual replica of an event.  Imagine the events being depicted in action while the news anchor narrates.  If you have been in Second Life for a while, you know that this could be done quickly, easily, and at low cost.
Can the people in  television news imagine this?  Well, they can imagine the U.S. having a balanced budget.  If they can imagine that they can imagine anything.
Meanwhile, if you are in Second Life, you don't have to imagine anything.  Just copy-paste this slurl into the navigation bar of Viewer 2 equivalent and press enter:  
NWN Post::
Huge Opportunity for Metaverse Developers: News Event Dramatizations with Second Life Machinima


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  • This blog is not affiliated with Second Life or anything else.  
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