
Monday, November 15, 2010

2013 2ndHELP: Art Gallery in a holodeck, save prims, save space

A parable of problem solving 
in the virtual village
  • Problem: An art Gallery in Second Life has many more objects to sell than it can display within its prim allocation.
  • Standard solution: Get more space. (Thinking inside the box)
  • Yes, but… Space costs money.  The extra overhead can easily eat up the profits. 
  • Whys Guys:  Why do we need more space?
  • To display more art pieces. 
  • Whys Guys:  Why does it take space to display more art pieces?
  • Because each art piece takes up an amount of space. 
There’s the box!  An assumption carried over from physical reality.  In physical reality each art piece does take up space.  Not so in virtual reality. The art piece takes up space--and  prims--when it is rezzed for someone to see it.  If no one is looking, it does not have to take up space, or prims. 
 Ignorance ain’t so much not knowing things as knowing so many things that ain’t so.
Mathilde Vhargon reached this point in problem solving.  Mathilde is Co-owner of Two Shores Gallery in Second Life. 
Good problem solving.  But only part way to a solution.  She needed a practical and artistic way to implement the solution. 
Nobody does anything in the abstract.
So the next part of the story is about creative collaboration, social networking and the value of the Virtual Village.
Creative Collaboration
Butch Dae and I had already worked out a solution on how to display art for sale with a holodeck.  But that was no help to Mathilde because she did not know us.  What was missing, of course, was the connection.   Meanwhile, I was applying much the same concept  to the need for the educational community to respond to the upcoming increase in land costs.  I published an article about that in:
I then posted a link in FaceBook.   Mathilde saw the link, read the article and:
Mathilde contacted me, asked if the method would apply to the sale of art.  I told her we already had a method for the sale of objects from a holodeck presentation.  
She gave me a test object and I put a vendor version in my holodeck.  It worked. 
Her plan now is to display multiple art pieces in the same gallery room.  The art will consist entirely of wall hangings.   She will put the hangings into categories. She will hang a display set of one category, for example, sunsets.  She will then put that into a holodeck as a single scene. 
She can repeat that as often as needed to collect all the art to be displayed. 
Customer scenario
The customer walks into the display room.  Art work of a particular category  hangs on the wall. It might be waterfalls for example.  Perhaps the customer is interested in sunsets. 
The customer sees a panel near the entrance with a sign saying:
Click to select the art you are interested in.
The panel displays a number of named buttons.  One button is named:
The customer clicks on the sunsets button.  The previous hangings vanish and are replaced by the Sunset collection.  The effect is much like the holodeck effect in Startrek, The Next Generation.
The customer is instructed (perhaps by notecard given by the button on click) to click on an art object to buy a copy.   When the customer clicks on an object, it sells its contents, which include a copy of the art object.  The object allows copy (required for use in holodeck)  but is no transfer, no mod.
The holodeck I use and can recommend is Horizons, sold by Cheshyr Pontchartrain
for about $10 USD at this location:
Thought questions:

What does this parable say about the benefits of Second Life and Facebook for non-trivial uses?
 What is needed in the OpenSim grids to allow for this kind of networking and creative collaboration? 
Given that this design could easily display 100 times the number of prims allocated to the space, does that change the calculation in comparing  land costs between Second Life and OpenSim


  • What do we do in Virtual Worlds? 
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  • Annotated screen shots made with Jing
  • Creative Commons License, attribution only.
  • Second LifeLindenSLurl, and SL are trademarks of Linden Research Inc.
  • This blog is not affiliated with Second Life or anything else.  
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