
Sunday, September 26, 2021

2021 Some segments of the metaverse can connect seamlessly, or nearly so. Seamless connections require open standards.

Some segments of the metaverse can connect seamlessly, 
or nearly so.  
Seamless connections require open standards.
Some people think the ideal metaverse would allow seamless teleporting among its virtual worlds.  That is technically possible.

Seamless connections require open standards

  • A seamless connection would mean that you teleport from one grid to another.
  • Grid means a collection of worlds (places) hosted by one entity.
  • You enter that destination with no registration and wearing your previous avatar.
  •  This capability would require open standards.
  • Software standards.
  • Standards create a common language for communication among separate programs.

The hypergrid province

  • OpenSimulator offers common standards so people could move seamlessly among grids using that software.
  • The hypergrid provides the necessary standards for the teleport transfer.
  • People in the hypergrid province can teleport among these grids wearing the same avatar and carrying the same inventory.
  • No registration required in the destination grid.
  • That is the interoperability that some hope for in the entire metaverse.

The web-world province

  • Web-worlds use WebGL and HTML5 as their coding language.
  • Those could provide open standards to support seamless interconnections among web-worlds.
  • Even now the connections are easy for those web-worlds that allow guest entry.
  • Any web-world is a web page.  It can have a hub with links to other web-worlds.
  • A click on one of these links would take the user to the landing page of the other grid.
  • At the landing page the user is probably only a couple of clicks away from entering.

Will it happen?

  • Ready player me creates a need for open standards for avatars.
  • Users can create their own avatars and will want to bring them into grids.
  • They can do that if the grid provides the needed software support.
  • That support could give a competitive advantage to grids that offer it.
  • So that feature could have the market support to develop it.
  • Seamless teleports may be less attractive to grid operators.
  • They may not like tech that lets people easily leave their grid for a competitor.
  • But hypergrid operators do just that because their users get access to a larger set of places.
  • That adds value to all of the grids.  
  • If metaverse vendors see the value of aggregation, they may like seamless teleports.


  • Original text in this blog is CC By: unless specified public domain.
  • Use as you please with attribution: link to the original.
  • All images without attribution in this blog are CC0: public domain.
  • Second LifeLindenSLurl, and SL are trademarks of Linden Research Inc.
  • Screenshots from ShareX
  • This blog is not affiliated with anything.   Ads are from Google

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