
Monday, March 25, 2019

2019 EDU: GAME: Rockville: Life on the Margin, an experience roleplay game

Life on the Margin, 
an experience roleplay game

A different kind of learning: A roleplay game in a virtual world.  Not for entertainment but for experience.  

 Rockville role-play 
starts here  
  • Social experience is real.
  • Textbooks can write about it in the abstract.
  • Lecturers can talk about it in the abstract.
  • Students can get an intellectual understanding from that.
  • They can get a view as detached observers.
  • Will they understand things the way the participants do?
  • Not likely--they are not the participants.  
  • They can't be the participants.  But they can role-play as participants.
  • That may give them better insight into the world as the participants see it.
  • Scholarly articles on Learning through role-playing

Go there 

Moving a Decision-Making Game from the classroom to Second Life. 

This session introduces Rockville, a role playing game used in ethics education of teachers and other educators. Session participants will learn about the purpose, aims, and flow of the game and then, participate in a walk through the game environment in Second Life. 

Scot Jung (Scot Headley irl) is a professor of educational leadership at George Fox University in Oregon USA. His scholarly interests are in the professional development of educators and effective teaching and learning in an online environment
 Instructions here
  • As you arrive:
  • You get instructions from the news stand
Rockville town map
Click image to enlarge

Award-Winning Game Teaches Cultural Competency

Roleplay simulation is an experiential learning method in which either amateur or professional roleplayers (also called interactors) improvise with learners as part of a simulated scenario. Roleplay is designed primarily to build first-person experience in a safe and supportive environment. Roleplay is widely acknowledged as a powerful technique across multiple avenues of training and education.

Experience games 

 Rockville approach

Rockville report


Ethics, Equity, and Justice is a required course in the Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) in Educational Leadership program at George Fox University; an Oregon Independent University affiliated with the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers).  
The course approaches the study of ethics by examining ethical models, applying them to the dilemmas of leadership. The primary text for the course presented four ethical models. These models are the ethics of the profession, the ethic of care, the ethic of justice, and the ethic of critique (Shapiro & Gross, 2013). Particular emphasis in the course is an investigation of equity, and justice for marginalized students. Students in the Ed.D. program are educational practitioners, teachers, and leaders in PK-12 and higher education organizations. 
Five of the students who participated in the course joined with the course instructor to form a collaborative writing group, to continue the learning process that occurred in the course. In addition to the authors of this paper, two students who participated in the course, Angel Krause and Alicia Watkin, helped to collect data for this paper. Three of the student participants, Danielle Bryant, an adjunct professor at Corban University, Charity-Mika Woodard, an art professor at Pittsburg State University, and Sherri Sinicki, a high school teacher and instructional coach at Dayton (Oregon) High School collected and analyzed data and co-authored this paper. Scot Headley, who had recently returned to a faculty role at GFU after a 4.5 year tenure as the Dean of the College of Education; taught the Ethics, Equity, and Justice course described herein and co-authored this paper.

The central park 
  • The town's central park.  
  • Definitely on the margin
Rockville School District

Percival Young School 

Parking Lot
  • Station 4: Parking Lot.  Await transportation home.  
  • Any character with a low social or family/friend level wait one turn, 
  • all others proceed to Home on that turn.
Plaza Rally today 
Click image to enlarge

Red's White and Blue 

 City Hall

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