
Monday, December 31, 2018

2019 MUVE: HG: Why am I talking about MUVEs when I am really talking about virtual worlds?

Why am I talking about MUVEs when 
I am really talking about virtual worlds?

Researchers use the term "MUVEto stand for "Multi-User Virtual Environment."   We virtual worlders use the term "virtual world" to mean the same thing.  These are ingroup terms for different ingroups.  I want this blog to share information between these groups, so I speak the language of both groups.  Here I report on some of the work of the researchers.  
An informal writing class in a MUVE

MUVE:  Multi-User Virtual Environment




Language learning

Scenario-based learning


MUVE design



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  • Selby Evans in Kitely, Thinkerer Melville in Second Life


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