
Sunday, August 14, 2016

2016 HOBBIES: PEOPLE: Sailing the Seas of OpenSim. And ignoring the physics engine

Sailing the Seas of OpenSim. 
And ignoring the physics engine
Vehicles have been a problem in OpenSim because OpenSim cannot use the (costly) Havoc physics engine.  And the physics engines available to OpenSim produce less than satisfactory results with vehicles.  Kayaker Magic has solved this problem, at least for sailing, by writing scripts that do not use the physics engine.  Here are some reports and videos of his products.  

Kayaker Magic in his own words

Years ago I was reading posts by people moping about on the InWorldz forums saying they wished there was a way to make sailboats. They gave up because the physics engine was still under development back then and didn't do boats well. At the time I did not know a lot about sailing and didn't think I was the right person to write a sailing script.  
But nobody else was even trying, so I got up to speed. I even took a sailing class in RL! I talked to a friend who is a retired naval engineer. Since the physics engine didn't do boats yet, I wrote a non-physical script to do sailing and got it working. And a big advantage of a non-physical script is that I could take it with me to OpenSim where it works no matter which physics engine you have.
  • (More after the break)
  • Where is Arcadia?

Metaverse events, current and upcoming


The Windsurfer

This windsurfer has sculpted sail and board for a realistic look. It works much like a real windsurfer in the wind. The sails flap if you turn to an angle where they cannot catch the wind. You must tack back and forth to sail into the wind. While sailing close-hauled the windsurfer will heel over. You can sail faster than the wind while reaching across the wind! It will sail in the SIM wind, wind from nearby Ocean Engineering Wind Setter Buoys, or it can use an internal dialog for setting fixed wind. 
The sail makes a sound when flapping and a wind sound when working. Your avatar is animated to windsurf like a pro. You jump back and forth and hike out on the up-wind side of the windsurfer. To transfer from one side to the other your avatar stands in front of the mast, and stays there while the sail is flapping.-While riding the wind, you can also ride on Ocean Engineering waves! The windsurfer can surf down the waves, but usually the wind pulls it faster than it can ride the waves. 
If you try to ride too slowly up the back of a wave, gravity can slow you to a stop. If the windsurfer goes over the top of a wave fast enough, it can "catch air"! (This requires that you turn JUMPS mode on).-This windsurfer can cross SIM borders (if you grid is up to it). The flag on the top of the mast indicates the apparent wind direction. To return to the dock just jump off and the windsurfer will teleport back to its starting point, even across SIM borders. (Disable this with the dialog if you wish). 
You can mark the windsurfer private so only you can ride it, or set it to allow others to ride it and even give them permission to change modes in the dialog.-The windsurfer is a non physical vehicle that works in spite of ODE, BulletSim, PhysX or Havok on any grid. This windsurfer cannot get stuck in irons, the controls always turn the windsurfer.

The Catamaran 

Based on a new version of the Ocean Engineering sailboat script. This catamaran has separate controls for the jib, mainsail and the spinnker. You can force the jib to gybe to get into wing-on-wing. New spinnaker for sailing down wind. Seats up to 4 avatars. Modern racing mainsail. Particle wake off the hulls and keels when they are in the water.
Sailboat races
  • OpenSim allows areas of over 1000 meters on a side without sim boarder crossings
  • Kayaker will try to have some event every Sunday evening at about 5 pm California time.  
  • Kayaker’s Magic at Panthalassa



News and Notes


    The Hypergrid WIP Show

    The Hypergrid WIP is a one hour "show & tell" of works in progress or recently completed. All builders from beginner to pro are invited.  Presentations are in voice and text.  For text presentations, best bring the text in a notecard and paste it into chat.  Voice presentations may be captured in video.  Stills and videos from the show may appear in this blog and elsewhere.

    Next WIP show 

    • Next WIP show: Sun. Aug 28, Noon SLT 
    • Cookie II location (fourth Sunday of the month)
    • HG address below: paste into the World Map next to Find. Click Find, TP
    • II 
    • in Kitely: paste into Nav (top) bar of Firestorm, Enter.
    • hop:// II/68/369/22
    • Narasnook  location (second Sunday of the month)
    • Pandora allows presenters to run high threat OSSL functions.
    • Put the line above in your World Map next to Find.  Click FindTP
    • At Narasnook, use World Map to search for Pandora
    • Cookie II location (fourth Sunday of the month)
    • HG address below: paste into the World Map next to Find. Click Find, TP
    • II 
    • in Kitely: paste into Nav (top) bar of Firestorm, Enter.
    • hop:// II/68/369/22

      Previous Articles from the WIP show 

      HG links-- depending on your interests 

      Radio in the virtual world

      Metaverse beginner help

      Schools in virtual worlds

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      • Annotated screen shots made with Jing
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