
Sunday, April 3, 2016

2016 EDU: STAGE: Anton Chekov and the Theater of the Absurd

Anton Chekov and the Theater of the Absurd
The theater of the absurd originated in the late 1950's, about dozen years after World War II ended or at least morphed into the cold war.  It was and is an inquiry into the meaning of life.  Not a quest for the meaning, but  an inquiry into what we can do if we don't find it, thus related to existentialism.  Here Seanchai Library and the Tacoma Arts Commission team up to present a theatrical event that would have been absurd in the 1950's a presentation of a modern play in Tacoma, integrated with a virtual world build of world wide reach.
  • EXPLORE can be found on the Open Metaverse at 
  • Ten public performances, beginning April 8 and closing April 24, 2016
  • Web site:  EXPLORE Anton Chekhov and the Absurd


        New Media Arts (NMA) on the web


        Seanchai Library Announces new EXPLORE in Kitely

        EXPLORE, Kitely – Seanchai Library pleased to announce the next phase of its EXPLORE program in the Open Sim Metaverse, and its real world-virtual world partnership with Tacoma Little Theatre. After the great success of last year's EXPLORE The Great Gatsby, the partners will open EXPLORE Anton Chekov and the Absurd on April 8th at Noon in the newly expanded EXPLORE world on the Kitely grid. This phase of the program is funded, in part, by a grant from theTacoma Arts Commission
        EXPLORE Anton Chekhov and the Absurd will use a mirror image environment to juxtapose a classic country dacha to house information on the Russian dramatist, against the present day Bucks CountyPennsylvania farm setting of Durang's play.  Seanchai Library will present readings from the Chekhov's short stories as well as host tours and visitors from Tacoma Little Theatre's audience and supporters. EXPLORE will be on a large wall display screen in the lobby during performances, with a computer station, inviting patrons to take a spin through the virtual environment during preshow, intermission, and after the curtain has come down.
        Welcome Center at EXPLORE 
        Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike won the 2013 Tony Award for Best Play, the Drama Desk Award for Outstanding Play.  In ten public performances, beginning April 8 and closing April 24, 2016, Puget Sound audiences will be invited into the absurdist world of playwright Christopher Durang as he draws inspiration from works of Russian dramatist Anton Chekhov, “puts them into a blender,” and re-imagines them in present-day rural Pennsylvania.
        Durang presents a "sunny new play about gloomy people" where they discuss their lives, loves, argue, and wrestle with the condition of their existences. Durang finds humor in the struggle of the characters to find meaning in their seemingly meaningless lives, and pokes fun at their individual follies while acknowledging that the pursuit of meaning is part of the human condition.  Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike combines excellence in playwriting through the reinterpretation of classic works, with a modern philosophical twist.
        Anton Chekhov (1860-1904) was a Russian playwright and short story writer who is considered to be among the greatest writers of short fiction in history. His career as a playwright produced four classics and his best short stories are held in high esteem by writers and critics. Along with Henrik Ibsen and August Strindberg, Chekhov is often referred to as one of the three seminal figures in the birth of early modernism in the theater. Chekhov, a medical doctor by profession, wrote over 200 short stories and 14 plays. "Medicine is my lawful wife," he once said, "and literature is my mistress."
        Information on EXPLORE Anton Chekov and the Absurd including "Getting Started" and "Avatar Guide" pages can be found at
        Specific times and dates of readings, as well as background information on Christopher Durang's play Vanya, and Sonya, an Masha and Spike will also be available on the website beginning Monday, April 4th.  EXPLORE can be found on the Open Metaverse at
        Information on Seanchai Library schedules and programs, as well as links to Seanchai's social media presence can be found online at
        Seanchai Library (Shanna-key, which means "Storyteller" in Irish.) was founded in March of 2008 in Second Life. Thousands of stories, and hundreds of authors later, the program remains dedicated to promoting the power of stories to transform and inspire through live voice presentations: "We bring stories of all kinds to life, in Virtual Worlds."

        News and Notes


          The Hypergrid WIP Show

          The Hypergrid WIP is a one hour "show & tell" of works in progress or recently completed. All builders from beginner to pro are invited.  Presentations are in voice and text.  For text presentations, best bring the text in a notecard and paste it into chat.  Voice presentations may be captured in video.  Stills and videos from the show may appear in this blog and elsewhere.

          Next WIP show 

          • Next WIP show: Sun. Apr 10, Noon SLT
          • Narasnook  location (second Sunday of the month)
          • Pandora allows presenters to run high threat OSSL functions.
          • Put the line above in your World Map next to Find.  Click FindTP
          • At Narasnook, use World Map to search for Pandora
          • Narasnook  location (second Sunday of the month)
          • Pandora allows presenters to run high threat OSSL functions.
          • Put the line above in your World Map next to Find.  Click FindTP
          • At Narasnook, use World Map to search for Pandora
          • Cookie II location (fourth Sunday of the month)
          • HG address below: paste into the World Map next to Find. Click Find, TP
          • II 
          • in Kitely: paste into Nav (top) bar of Firestorm, Enter.
          • hop:// II/68/369/22

            Previous Articles from the WIP show 

            HG links-- depending on your interests 

            Metaverse beginner help

            • I publish about 6 days a week, skipping 1 or 2 days in midweek
            • For more on topics like this, circle Selby Evans in Google+ 
            • What do we do in Virtual Worlds? 
            • Search on page with Google Chrome: Ctrl+f, search bar upper right.
            • Google search this blog: Search bar, upper left--or:
            • Put at the end of the search terms 
            • What is Second Life?
            • Annotated screen shots made with Jing
            • All original content on this blog is Creative Commons License, attribution only. 
            • Second LifeLindenSLurl, and SL are trademarks of Linden Research Inc. 
            • This blog is not affiliated with Second Life or anything else. 
            • Ads are from Google.

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