
Saturday, December 21, 2013

2013 EDU: Rockcliffe University Consortium to seek funds for IACET accreditation to offer CEUs in Instructional Design

Rockcliffe University Consortium to seek funds 
for IACET accreditation 
to offer CEUs in Instructional Design
Introduction to Instructional Design for Immersive Environments (IID)
The program outline for this course is set to be completed by end of February with our pilot classes happening in March and public launch at VWBPE. We have a few people that have volunteered to help review the program. If you are interested in helping with the peer review please let Kevin know. The preliminary outline will be available around Chirstmas and first classes will be ready for review starting early January.
International Association for Continuing Education & Training (IACET)
In May we are hoping to take the IID program to IACET for accreditation. This will open the door for the ability of Rockcliffe to start offering Continuing Education Units (CEUs) for this program in addition to others related to continuing education related to best practices. To do that however we need to raise funds for both programming and for the cost of the accreditation process itself.
IACET (Wikipedia)
Rockcliffe Winter Fundraiser
Rockcliffe’s winter fundraiser is now set to go on Indiegogo. Please share the following link with people and ask them to contribute if you feel Rockcliffe should continue as an ongoing concern.

Our goal is to raise $35,000 in 2014 to cover the cost of IACET accreditation, some programming help, and general administration costs. For every $25 donated Rockcliffe will contribute towards the offsetting of one (1) ton of carbon emissions through our relationship with the Carbon Trading Exchange.

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