
Thursday, July 25, 2013

2013 EDU: VWBPE: Poster sessions 1. Wed., 7/24 to Sat. 7/27

 VWBPE:  Poster sessions Wed., 7/24 to Sat. 7/27   
Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education 2013
  • VWBPE Conference Schedule
  • VWBPE  website
  • This report gives VWBPE poster sites and more durable links. 
  • The poster sites will be gone after the conference ends, 
  • but the durable links should remain live much longer. 
Here are reports on some poster sites that were ready early
Rockcliffe University Consortium (RUC)
SciLogs' Science and Medical Libraries - 
"Integrating Virtual Worlds into Mainstream Journalism"
Integrating Virtual Worlds into Mainstream Journalism
(Notecard, reformatted) Most articles about virtual worlds are published in special academic journals for virtual worlds. Sometimes articles do appear in mainstream magazines, journals, and newspapers that solely feature a virtual world company, organization, or event. Rarely, however, are virtual world events integrated into larger issue pieces about the real world. 

Integrating real world and virtual world activities together is called "mixed reality" but "mixed reality" journalistic pieces where virtual news integrates with regular news as a blended writing piece could occur more frequently. "Librarians and the Era of the MOOC," published in the blog “Scientific and Medical Libraries” in association with and Spektrum der Wissenschaft (the German version of Scientific American) under the umbrella of the Nature Publishing Group does just that. 

The article, which is about MOOCs (Massively Open Online Courses), integrates Second Life events in a story about the larger issue of MOOCs generally. In particular, the poster displays snapshots from the article of a MOOC study group held Second Life as well as a symposium on MOOCs featuring live in-world lectures by four avatars. In that sense, the submitted poster provides an example where the author of the article and this poster envisages and argues for a future of journalistic balance where virtual world news is better integrated into mainstream news stories and their social media sites. 
University of Texas-PanAmerican-


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  • This blog is not affiliated with Second Life or anything else.  
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