
Wednesday, July 3, 2013

2013 2ndHELP: Job World, employment services. Learn the skills of finding a job. And not just a virtual job.

Job World, employment services.  
Learn the skills of finding a job.
And not just a virtual job.
Prep for job interviews
What does Jobs World do?
  • Helps people find jobs in SL
  • Helps SL businesses find staff  
  • Offers personalized networking in SL and RL 
  • Lets you learn and practice interview skills 
  • Shows you classes to help you reach employment goals
  • Helps you get a GED
  • Helps you apply for a PELL GRANT
  • Guides you to classes in SL
  • Offers information on real life education:
  • EDX COURSES  offers free online college classes
Job World is small enough to know you , but large enough to serve you!  I look forward to meeting you - if I can be of any help please feel free to contact me - Use a notecard if I am not online - my IM's become capped. --Snazzy Zepp, Job World, CEO 
Real Life jobs--go up
Online classes for RL education
Online library resources
I almost have a Masters degree in RL in Vocational Rehabilitation.  Helping people find Jobs and get into college is my real life passion. --Snazzy Zepp, Job World, CEO 
Classes at NCI
We offer information on second life education.  Second Life also has many schools on its grid.  If you join Job World group, then you will be able to see all the building classes that are posted to improve your building skills on Second Life.  --Snazzy Zepp, Job World, CEO 
Our  applicants apply for  SL jobs the same way as they do in real life. They fill out applications and go to job interviews. If an applicant asks me for help, or I see them applying I might ask them if they need help - then I ask about their skills and help them understand if they are applying for a job that they qualify for.--Snazzy Zepp, Job World, CEO  
What kind of job do you want?
I have been in SL for almost 4 years . I managed another job agency for another group, and I decided to open my agency. Yes , Job World is New. I just updated my ad boards before SL10b, and I am in the process of making my ad boards more friendly. --Snazzy Zepp, Job World, CEO 
I also teach business owners to do notecard contracts - where they have the amount they agreed to pay the person and the job duties all on note card when they hire someone.  This not only helps the business people keep track of their agreements, but prevents unfortunate misunderstandings.  --Snazzy Zepp, Job World, CEO 
Diverse options for Second Life
The ads in the back part reflect the Diverse Options for Second Life. These ads allow networking for businesses that might not have jobs openings.  It helps them get traffic.  I use  themes not only to keep this area organized, but also to  make it a fun place to network. --Snazzy Zepp, Job World, CEO 
Biker Zone
... biker groups can place ads in Biker Zone with a slide show, demo of bikes, a free item giver , landmark, and their group info.  --Snazzy Zepp, Job World, CEO 
This is a reward system which recognizes hard work and knowledge skills.  We have quizzes in my chat room for these spots. They also win lindens--some questions are worth 50L  some are 100L and some are for these spots in front of my store. The Quizzes are normally on Mondays when RL allows.  --Snazzy Zepp, Job World, CEO
Join the Chat group
I have a chat group where ads are also placed in notices and people can network and find job openings, offers, and needs. We have a lot of jobs posted in the notices in Job World Chat room.  In this group businesses can post their job openings on our notice board free, and job seekers can post that they are looking for jobs too.--Snazzy Zepp, Job World, CEO 
  • What do we do in Virtual Worlds? 
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  • Annotated screen shots made with Jing
  • Creative Commons License, attribution only.
  • Second LifeLindenSLurl, and SL are trademarks of Linden Research Inc.
  • This blog is not affiliated with Second Life or anything else.  
  • Ads are  from Google

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