
Saturday, February 9, 2013

2013 TKR: Quick tips to remember things

Quick tips to remember things
  • What would be the logical way to remember this?
  • What is your goal in remembering this? 
  • Where will you be when you want to remember this?
  • What will you be looking at when you want to remember this?
  • If you had part of this memory, how would you find the rest? 
  • Can you make a summary of what you need to remember? 
  • What questions are you are most likely to ask yourself about this? 
  • What questions are other people likely to ask you about this?
  • Are there details that you can not logically reconstruct from the summary? 
  • What part of this memory would you most like to forget? 
  • What is the funniest part about what you want to remember? 
  • What is the most serious part here? If you forget it, will that be funny? 
  • Imagine a comic routine about this memory. Will anybody laugh? 
  • I have a fine memory. I remember what I had to do just after it is too late to do it. 
  • Can you think of any stories about a memory job like this? 
  • Does this memory make a story? Run the story through your imagination. 
  • Daydreaming. It’s not just for children any more. 
  • Cues are passwords to your brain channels. 
  • Imagine what will happen when you have to use this memory? 
  • Do you want to remember this as words or as an image? 
  • Can you imagine what might go wrong when you try to use this memory? 
  • What other memories is this like? 
  • When did you last remember a something like this? 
  • Can you remember this in several ways? 
  • What other things does this memory remind you of?
  • When did you last forget something like this? 
  • What are the most important words in this memory job?
  • What parts of this memory are really new to you? 
  • What parts of this memory connect to things that used to be new to you? 
  • Does this memory leave you wondering about something else? 
  • Can you fit this memory into a place you know? 
  • Do you see how to mark a trail through what you have to remember here? 
  • Who will be around you when you need the memory? 
  • How could you get other people to remind you? 
  • Will you remember this as spoken? Will you remember the inflection? 
  • Who could easily remember this? Why? 
  • What do other people do to remember things like this? 
  • What cues will be around just before you need to remember this? 
  • What part of this memory can you turn over to paper or to  your calendar? 
  • What brain modules will you be using just before you need the memory? 
  • The secret to remembering is to set a cue. And don’t you forget it. 
  • My best idea was the one I forgot to write down. 
  • What brain modules will you need to reconstruct the memory? 
  • Use the cues or the cues will use you. 
  • How do you want to use the contents of this memory? 
  • If you could remember part of this, could you reconstruct the rest?
  • When did you last forget something important? Remember what you learned then? 
  • Do you know how to pick something that is the right size for you to remember? 
  • Is this something you need to talk about or something you will have to do?
  • If this is something you need to do, will you remember it at the right time?
  • If this is something you need to do, what might keep you from being able to do it? 
  • If this is something you need to talk about, what will you need to say about it?
  • Can you give a logical description of what you need to remember? 
  • What are the most important words in this memory job?
  • How does this connect to stuff you already know?
  • Instruction manuals are written for instructors.
  • What do we do in Virtual Worlds? 2012
  • Search on page with Google Chrome: Ctrl+f, search bar upper right 
  • Google search this blog, column on right
  • or put at the end on the search terms
  • Annotated screen shots made with Jing
  • Creative Commons License, attribution only.
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Thinkerer Melville/Selby Evans

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