
Thursday, July 5, 2012

2013 WRITE: Comedy series project Planning 1 and 2

Comedy series project Planning 1
Brainstorming session on  this Saturday at 1 PM SLT in Cookie town center.
The objective of this project is to produce proposal(s) for one or more comedy series.  A proposal consists of a concept*  description, sample scripts, episode outlines, and at least one pilot episode.
*Concept includes descriptions of 
  • the important characters
  • the world they live in
  • comedic situations that will serve for episodes  
Amazon says:
We are looking for 22-minute narrative live action or animated primetime series you can't find anywhere else. Generally speaking, we like character-driven ideas in well-defined worlds. We want shows that are smart, original, loud in concept and most of all, funny; think Archer or Curb Your Enthusiasm. For live-action, we prefer shows with some level of serialization. We are not looking for sketch, reality or talk shows. All scripts should be within the normal television standards for content and language.
The resulting proposal(s) would not necessarily be submitted to Amazon's invitation, but the above guidance describes what Amazon considers suitable for commercial comedy on web television.   Thus the project will follow those guidelines.  
We presently have six members on the team and expect to have more.  To join the team, see this blog post: 
Let's grow a comedy series in Second Life
This is a large project and requires a team.  I will act as project leader until we can find someone else to take that job.  
Current members
  1. Ada Radius
  2. Bubblepop Unplugged
  3. Corwyn Allen
  4. Doc Grun
  5. Geo Meek 
  6. Ginette Pinazzo 
  7. Kayden Oconnell
  8. Olaf Barbosa
  9. Jilly Kidd
  10. Merryann Munster
  11. Sam Brautigan
  12. Thinkerer Melville, 
  13. White Queen
Stage 1: Develop comedic characters.  
I hope each person on the team will develop one or two such characters.  
Develop means 
  • write a description of the character with emphasis on comedic features
  • write a scene that illustrates the character in comedic action
  • write a back-story as the character would tell it
  • suggest the kind of other characters that would work well with this character
  • describe the world that this character should live in
  • describe several comedic situations that this character would work in. 
  • be ready to play (improv) the character at group meetings
  • First law of meeting times: There is no time at which everyone can meet.  
  • Stage 1 is something people can start on alone.
  • When you have the initial description ready, please send it to me in a notecard
  • We will work out meeting times to fit the schedules of people whose ideas are on the agenda (see below)
Comedy series project Planning 2 
Jilly Kidd has given me our first series plan.  It offers a very promising world concept, one that could accommodate multiple characters and draw on other talent resources in SL.  It could be modified to fit more than one series.
A.R.T. is setting up access arrangements for the series group in the web site for A.R.T private communications.  The series group will be able to use it to share proposed plans.  We will need your email address.   
We will hold a brainstorming session on Jilly's Idea this Saturday at 1 PM SLT in Cookie town center. 
Agenda for Series meeting, July 7
Other meeting times TBD
Review objectives
Brainstorming: Jilly's proposal: Worlds
Identify characters.
Discuss any other proposals
I expect this to be a recurring event if we find that some others can make it.  Of course, we will look for other times as needed for other people-- when we are working on someone's  idea, we will want that person to be able to participate.

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  • Annotated screen shots made with Jing
  • Creative Commons License, attribution only.
  • Second LifeLindenSLurl, and SL are trademarks of Linden Research Inc.
  • This blog is not affiliated with Second Life or anything else.  
  • Ads are  from Google

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