
Monday, March 19, 2012

2013 EDU: Triple A Learning Opens NMC Cybercampus

Triple A Learning Opens NMC Cybercampus
Guest post
By Paul Clark
Triple A Learning office
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Triple A Learning (, based in England, offers online courses for International Baccalaureate (IB, teachers as well as instructors for other organizations. Triple A's IB training workshops cover the Diploma and Middle Years Program courses, and are recognized for IB authorization and evaluation purposes.
They also: offer high quality curriculum content and other interactive resources that will run on all Virtual Learning Environments; publish an extensive range of blogs for most of the Diploma and Middle Years Program subjects; advertise jobs for teachers and administrators; provide a range of consultancy, development and hosting services for e-learning.
So what's new? Triple A just recently opened a Second Life cybercampus on Teaching 2, and opened an entire sim (called, appropriately enough, "Triple A Learning") on Jokaydia Grid ( There's only an office building up on Teaching 2 and there's nothing but cyberturf in Jokaydia Grid right now, but feel free to visit. Now it's time to teach International Baccalaureate and other teachers around the real world how to use virtuals worlds in their classrooms!
David W. Deeds (Deed Davids in Second Life and JokaydiaGrid), who's been teaching with 3D virtual worlds in universities and K-12 schools for six years now, will be creating online courses that will train teachers (now, students later) not just the technical but also the pedagogical skills/knowledge they need to be true 21st century educators. David will also be developing courses for Digital Storytelling and other topics. And this is just the proverbial tip of the iceberg regarding the training courses coming up! David is just one member of the top-notch team of worldwide educators Triple A has assembled to produce a wide variety of online courses for teachers. Name a Web 2.0 (and 3.0, if you count 3D) tool or technique and they'll be creating classes on it. Keep informed of developments by regularly visiting the Triple A website and/or by joining the Triple A Learning Group in Second Life!

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