
Friday, January 13, 2012

2013 TKR: TEAM: Group projects: Task oriented meetings: best practices

  • Group projects: 
  • Task-oriented group projects 
  • Best practices for virtual worlds
  • Overview

When people work together on a task, they are likely to hold meetings.  If meetings don't follow good practices, you hear:

  • The meetings are just a waste of time.
  • They just talk, go in circles, get nowhere.
  • Lots of good ideas get ignored.
These comments are symptoms of problems in group functioning.
Oh, yes.  I jumped to some assumptions:
  • There is a project that the people at the meeting are collaborating on.
  • The meeting is held to advance the project in some way.
 We are not in unknown territory here
Effective functioning in task-oriented groups: Overview 
A few examples of training
facilitator is someone who helps a group of people understand their common objectives and assists them to plan to achieve them without taking a particular position in the discussion.
So a person can work--get paid--as a group facilitator.  Or people who will be working in groups can learn to do the things facilitators do.   
Or people can come together in groups without anybody doing the facilitation work.  That's how you get the results I mentioned at the top here.
What do facilitators do?
  • Use/teach  task management tools such as agenda, prioritization, and action items.
  • Organize the activity into subtasks 
  • Provide group maintenance roles that are needed but omitted
  • Act to keep the group on its current task
Common sub-tasks in group-managed projects
  • Idea generation, brainstorming.
  • Goal selection, decison-making.
  • Planning, allocation and monitoring of sub-tasks.
  • Troubleshooting, problem-solving.
What does the leader do?
  • Small groups typically work best with distributed leadership
  • There are multiple leadership roles.
  • Task roles are done by people capable of the current task.
  • Maintenance roles are done by the facilitator or others.
  • Leadership roles are filled by several people in the same discussion
  • Leadership shifts to the person(s) most capable of the current task.
  • When the task shifts, the leadership will probably shift.
  • Leader comments
The above is an overview of skills people need if they are to contribute effectively to task-oriented groups.  

  • What do we do in Virtual Worlds? 
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  • Annotated screen shots made with Jing
  • Creative Commons License, attribution only.
  • Second LifeLindenSLurl, and SL are trademarks of Linden Research Inc.
  • This blog is not affiliated with Second Life or anything else.  
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1 comment:

  1. Its been pretty good on my part to look out for the task management in a specific manner for a better end result. How ever with the speed and strategy, the tool that I have been using for the sake of task tracking and management is some what more advanced and magnificent in terms of the task tracking and management. I am a dedicated user of the cloud based Replicon's task management tools - which works in a hassle free manner for the perfect and desired end result. Where as these tips are awesome and perfect for the task management to be done up in a precised manner. I will surely try to implement these in the tool if possible.


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