
Friday, May 20, 2011

2013 PROMO: Second Life Calendar needed? Forking the blog.

Second Life Calendar needed?  Eva Moon, Hera: YES.
I posed this question back in April:
Do we really need a Second Life Calendar now?

I have been thinking the calendar matter over and beginning to doubt that we really need another way  for people to find Second Life events. We don't have to watch Second Life events via Second Life any more. Many events are being LiveStreamed.
Responses via Comments on this post:
Eva Moon
I have to disagree on this. In the strongest terms.
I love the video element, as you know, but the connection happens when the audience and the performer can "see" each other - at the event - as it's going on. How can I know who's there if I can't see the audience? How can I acknowledge the people attending the show? How can the people attending shows really feel like they're taking part in the event rather than just watching it from afar? If I want to see bluegrass music, I can see as much as I want any time of day or night. But I come to places like SL because I want more than the music. I want the connection. I don't think audiences are indifferent to that. I think they care. A lot.
SL needs an event calendar more than ever.
PS: Eva has created a calendar for SL Live Music Jams
"I've created a Google Calendar for SL live music jams. If you would like to be added as someone who can post events, just send me your email address and I'll add you." -- Eva Moon
The above announcement is from the Facebook group:
SL Live Music Jams
Yes, Eva, and the post makes a definiton mistake because an SL event is not necesseraly a "live music perfomance". SL events can be much more diverse. An event can be a chariot race in ancient Rome; or a cherry blossom geisha show in Hosoi Mura; or a grand historical ball at the opening of the virtual Versailles, not to speak of sport or combat tournaments.
Most of these events cannot be imagined without active inworld audience participation (most explicit example is a ball - or a tournament).
I attend these events not only for the pure performance, but also for the live contact: to comment the event in chat, to encourage the racers, to praise the geishas, to flirt and dance with the other dancers of the ball... So why would I choose a YouTube LiveStream instead?
It sounds very progressive: "think outside the box". Okay, I try, but where's an avatar outside the box to dance with?


Fork in the blog: 
I am going to fork this discussion about calendars because the comments above raise another issue that needs to be considered.   The other issue is S-tech.
S-tech is here. E-tech is last year
Both of these comments respond to my suggestions about outworld streaming.  And they contest a suggestion that I never made, that outworld streaming can replace inworld audience participation.  I would never suggest that.
You need only to review the history of similar entertainment to know that a live audience is needed for most entrainment of  this kind.  In the golden age of radio, the successful comics were performing before live audience.  In television, the phrase "before a live audience" was common in the opening voice-over.
But those shows didn't expect to make money from the live audience.  They made their money by attracting a much larger audience and selling ads.  That's the model I have in mind for entertainment in Second Life.
The Livestream audience, however, does not have to be as remote as the radio audience of 1940.  There is a panel for live chat and when Art Plays Around or Lauren Live is on the stream, I monitor the chat.  Sometimes there are questions I can answer.  Sometimes I join in the chat.
So there is no question of leaving out the live Second Life audience.  Indeed, one of the reasons I asked about calendars was in preparation for this blog post:
What's Happening Here? 
This post lists the main methods I know for new residents to find out about entertainment events in Second Life. The post is one of a series intended to respond to questions new residents ask me.  The issues raised by Eva and Hera suggest that calendars need to be not only about entertainment events but also about the extent to which the events favor social interaction.  That fits with another of the issues new residents often ask about: "How do I meet people?"  
"How do I meet people?" Try profiles
So now I will pose a more directed question:  Do the sources mentioned in the Happening blog provide new residents with the help they need to get a good start on enjoying the entertainment scene in Second Life?  If anything else is needed, what is it?  I hope I hear some suggestions on this.  In any case, I will get back to the subject soon.

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