
Friday, April 15, 2011

2013 HELP: Squirming perms, control the restless perms

Control the restless perms
The instructions here apply to the standard Second Life viewer, 3.3+.

  • Perms, permissions: settings applied to assets specifying what can be done with them
  • Full perm: settings that fix no restrictions on what the owner can do with them
  • Asset.: Something on the land or in an inventory.  
Objective of perms
Allow the creator of something to transfer (sell, give) it to other people with restrictions on what they can do with it.  These restrictions can increase the value of virtual products and encourage more production.
Perms on your creations
Every asset has a set of perms.  When the you create or upload an asset, the perms are assigned as fully restrictive unless you have specified otherwise.   For uploads you can specify a default pattern of perms.  (You specify with the upload button, the plus (+) sign at the bottom of the inventory window.)
I prefer to set my upload defaults to full perm. If I want to restrict perms on something, I do it at the time I transfer it to someone else.  That cuts out some occasions when I want to set something full perm and have to go through the parts to find out what is keeping me from doing that.
For an object, you specify the perms when you create it.  But if you

  • put anything into the contents,
  • put a texture on it, or
  • link it to another object,

the object will take on the most restrictive level of perms in any of these assets.
 Uploading 101, textures, sounds, animations
How do I keep perms from getting too restrictive?
Key Principles:
1. The perms on an object cannot go below the most restrictive level in any of its components.  The components of an object include anything that goes into it:  textures, scripts, other objects in a linked object
2.  Perms can become more restrictive in ways that you do not expect.
Your best strategy is to see that all the parts are full perm as you assemble them, then assign the perm restrictions you want to the final  object. When you create a prim, immediately set the perms as follows:
Allow anyone to copy
Next owner can
  Modify     Copy    Resell/Give away
*  To check and change the perms on assets in your inventory or in the inventory of an object, right click on the name of the asset and select properties.
*  Don't assume that an asset copied to the inventory of an object will carry the correct properties with it.
*  The edit > contents window (in most viewers) will let you set perms on everything in the contents.  When you have all the contents loaded into the object, use this method to set the contents to full perm. (Look for Permissions button in the contents window.)
*  A texture applied to an object (either by dragging it onto the obect or by selecting it in the Texture  tab window)  does not appear in the contents and is not affected by the above perm setting.  You will want to be sure a texture has the right perms before you apply it.
*  If you want to test the perms of a finished object, drag it onto a notecard.  If you cannot embed, it is not full perm.
* If you use the above method for each prim in a linked object, the resulting object will be full perm.  You can then set the perms on the object as you wish.
* If you must use objects that you already have, check each object by trying to embed it in a notecard.  (Don't assume the properties window is giving you the true perm setting).  If an object will not embed, you will need to go through all its prims (edit linked parts) to find and fix the restrictive element.
Note that you can still use the permissions button to set all the permissions in the contents, but this command will fail silently if you don't have the authority to change the permissions.
The permissions on an object  may change when you rez it.   If I assemble an item that is modify, then put no-mod contents in it and give it to you the perm settings can change on rez.      In your inventory, the object will show as no-mod because of its contents.  If you rez the object, you should be able to modify the object.  What you can't modify would be the no-mod contents.
The permissions on an object may become more restrictive if you link them to an object with  more restrictive settings.  Furthermore, (unexpectedly) the restrictive permissions may remain after you unlink the object.  Moral, before you build, make copies of everything you will build with.

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  • This blog is not affiliated with Second Life or anything else.  
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