
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

2013 2ndHELP: Defend your event from griefers. Beginner's tutorial

Defend your event from griefers. Beginner's tutorial
Instructions here  apply to Viewer 3.3+, not necessarily to other viewers.
Events may attract griefers, especially if they are well publicized and well attended.  Here are things you can do to protect your events from people who create problems, assuming you own or control the land.
Strongest -- no public access
Create a group for attendees.   Restrict parcel or sim access to that group.  Sim access control is strongest.  Some griefing can cross into a restricted parcel if the parcel is not large. On an island, the access control can  extend to the whole island
Controlled public access
Create a group for attendees.  Set parcel options to restrict these options to group only:  
  • Create objects, 
  • Object entry, 
  • Run scripts.  
These options will disable many griefing methods.  Some that remain possible are associated with an avatar that you can eject and ban.
Create a meeeting parcel and a visitor parcel.  Restrict the meeting parcel to attendee group.  Restrict visitor parcel as above.  This method is used to keep people out of the main event area while letting them participate in chat and voice.
Eject/ban from a parcel:
See that several people working with you (members of the group that owns the parcel) have the power to eject and ban people from the parcel.  You need at least two people and preferably three.   

If you see the offending  avatar:
Right click on the avatar, look for eject.  The ban option will be offered after you click eject.  If you do not see the ban option, change your activated group, preferably to the group that gives you the ban authority.  You may also need to change your group role to the role that gives you that authority.
If you have only the name of the avatar:
World (top line) -- Place Profile --  About land -- Access -- Banned Residents -- Add
The add button will give you a new window -- enter the name -- Click Close.  
Note:  You can also eject/ban from a private island if you are the owner or estate manager.  The methods are similar.  Place Profile --  Region/estate --Estate tab -- Banned Residents --Add

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