
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

2013 2ndHELP: Save prims and space: rezzers and holodecks -- tutorial

Rezzers and holodecks -- tutorial 2012

Key Concepts
Rez (v. t.)-- To produce a virtual object from an object in your inventory.. (An object with the proper contents can also rez.)
Rezzer script: a script that rezzes objects. In use, this function needs the name of the object to be rezzed and the position, relative to the rezzer.  
Rezzer: a prim containing a rezzer script and the object or objects to be rezzed
Die script:  A script that causes the object containing it to derez in response to a triggering event. In this discussion, I will be talking about die scripts that are triggred by a timer.
Holodeck system (as used here) A system that appears to produce the same effects as those seen in Startrek, the Next Generation. That is, a prepared 3D scene with multiple objects appears on command,and is replaced or made to vanish on command. While the scene is present, people can interact with it just as they would with an ordinary scene in the virtual reality environment.

When a holodeck rezzes a scene, it is acting much like a rezzer. The main feature that distinguishes a holodeck is the ability to record the scene automatically and handle all the recording details so that the rez process places all the objects in their proper locations.
Rezzer: Use case
I have made a number of travel posters that recommend destinations and offer to teleport a person to a destination of interest to them. I want to display these posters to people looking for destinations. I have nearly 100 such posters. If I displayed them all, that would take up a lot of wall space and create a visual overload. And putting it in anywhere would require planning for all that wall space.
Objective: a display method that is portable, visually quiet when not in use, and able to accommodate a large number of posters.
Method: I made wall-sized panels sized to hold 12 of my posters. I created a few categories corresponding to interest classes common among newcomers (the main target audience for this project). The classes were: newcomer help places, music venues, sci-tech places, and explorable places.
I then made a 12-poster panel for each class and a rezzer to match. When the rezzer is clicked script rezzes the poster. The poster has a die script that makes it derez after about 10 minutes.
Anyone can click on a poster and get a teleport to the indicated place.  This display handles 48 destinations and could handle more by putting more posters on a panel
Objective: a display method that is portable, visually quiet when not in use, and able to accommodate a large number of posters. 
Challenge to the reader:  
At this point, an experienced project planner would have a question.  Can you anticipate that question?
The question
General form: How could your use scenario deviate from what you expect?
Specific form:  What happens if somebody tries to rez a panel when another person is using a panel that is already rezzed?
The key to being an effective consultant lies not in knowing the right answers but in knowing the right questions.
The answer
Since they occupy mostly the same space, the two panels would overlap and present a confusing appearance.  To prevent that, I arranged the placements so that when any panel is rezzed, it covers all the rezzers.  Thus, another panel cannot be rezzed until the first one is gone.
The rezzers described above are operational at Cookie:
Free. full perm copies are available in the Hobo Kit at the same location.  (Look for HH travel.). Like everthing in the Hobo Kit  these are offered under Creative Commons license, attribution.
Virtual Outworlding: Educators: Save sim space with a Holodeck:
Free, open source holodeck
Builders Buddy - Second Life Wiki
(But don't ask me to help you with it.  My answer will be, "You can buy one with instructions for  ten dollars, USD.  If your time is worth anything, how much will it cost you to figure out how to use the free one?)
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